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The 9th Ryuji Imada wins the US PGA

Japanese are rejoicing Ryuji Imada’s triumph at the US PGA tour title, the first time in 5 years that a Japanese pro has won the title. Imada used to use the oil can finish Bulls Eye putter, but now he uses the Del Mar straight-shaft and the Newport Squareback straight-shaft. It seems that he prefers center-shaft putters. Did you notice that the putter he used for this tour had weights mounted in the toe and heel of the face side? Since he likes shorter putters, he needs extra weight to balance the swing weight. The sole of Del Mar is thin, therefore there is not enough room to mount the weights on the bottom. But Scotty came up with the idea to mount the weights on the face side. The weights are boldly mounted over the stamp of Dancing Cameron.
We have sold the Bulls Eye and the Newport Squareback straight-shaft, both same specification as Imada at our shop, and the Del Mar straight-shaft will be for sale again soon. Please look for it at our shop.
By the way, Scotty tour putters have been used by winning golfers in 9 out of 11 recent tournaments. How about that?ツ黴€