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NEW 2023/09/19/16:00 Will sell until Members-only Lottery-based Items

Timeless Tourtype SSS 350G Multi-Stamps

Product No.:club4740


Hand-stamped with an array of Scotty's classic emblems including a 7 Point Crown, Jester, Scotty Dog, Smiley Face, Hot Head Harry and more, this 34-inch Timeless TT (Tour Type) SSS is accented with a rainbow of translucent colors. At 350 grams with the highly sought-after tri-sole design, this setup includes a Tour Only Pistolini Plus grip and a USA Circle T headcover.

Special Features

Smiley Face, 7 point crown, Tour Jester, Scotty Dog, Hot Head Harry and T(itleist) on the back cavity. Dancing SCOTTY CAMERON on the heel side of the face. Titleist on the heel bumper. SSS, 350 and Circle-T on the sole. It has a sight dot.
Grip: Pistolini Plus Circle-T Black/Gray
Headcover: Industrial Circle-T USA Red


Length  -  34"
Balance  -  D2
Size  -  Total weight : 536g
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